Hell's Corners
Subscriptions: 6
Total pages: 121 | First page | Last known page | RSS
Homepage: https://tapas.io/series/Hells-Corners/info
Added on: 2006-12-21 05:07:54
Comic status (since 2023-09-24): Abandoned
Categories: genre:fantasy genre:weird advisory:violence site:Tapas
In life, Jeff never really fit anywhere -- too gawky and literate to mesh with the Abercrombie & Fitch set and not gawky and literate enough to hook up with the D&D crowd. His script kiddie existence cut short by a yuppie's sportscar, Jeff finds himself struggling just as hard to adjust to life in Hell. Bad enough the cost of living is outrageous and everything he wants has to be bought via his horrible factory job's insane Chuck E. Cheese incentive program, but he's further tormented by the Dianic sex appeal of one neighbor and the unending baked goods of another, and compounding matters both of them are apparently cannibals, and Jeff was never one for resisting peer pressure.
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