Fall until Summer

Subscriptions: 2

Total pages: 16 | First page | Last known page | RSS

Homepage: https://tapas.io/series/Fall-until-Summer/info

Added on: 2024-07-15 11:13:25

Categories: topic:school topic:glbt topic:real life site:Tapas

POV: It's senior year in high school after a long failed relationship with heterosexuality, and you decide the problem is with the "hetero-" aspect. A bi-ace/gay mlm romance about identity (difficulty: impossible) and having a good time with your weird little friends (guaranteed victory)!
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Crawl errors

The last 5 crawl errors during the last 30 days. Having this empty doesn't necessarily imply that there isn't something wrong with the crawler. I'll go through these eventually but I don't mind if you ask me to check whether the crawler's doing the right thing.

Page order Time URL HTTP status
14 2024-08-15 08:08:27 https://tapas.io/episode/3060153 124